To be able to travel abroad with your furry, can need veterinary certificates of voyage, vaccines, veterinary reviews…
At Clínica Veterinària Multifauna can aid you at preparing your next voyage with your hairy!
- We help you with the requirements that your furry friend may need to travel how can be the expedition of the certificate of health, passport, vaccinations, deworm…
- We can advise you on how to make travelling less stressful for your furry friend.
If you travel within the European Union, your pet must meet the following requirements:
- Be identified with a microchip.
- Be vaccinated against Rabies at least 21 days before travelling.
- To have a European Pet Passport.
In the case of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta, Finland and Norway, dogs must also be treated for internal parasites between 1 and 5 days before entering the country.
If you want to travel outside the European Union, et recomanem que demanis quins requisits necessita el teu pelut per entrar al país a…
- At the embassy / consulate of the country
- Checking the web of the Spanish Government.
Ask for information in advance to have everything ready for the trip!
It has certified and documents that need 10 days before voyage to be able to achieve them.
To pose by the day of the vaccination of the rabies, can need make it 3 weeks before the voyage.
If your furry needs the official certificate of level of antibodies of the rabies, can need varied previous months at the voyage to be able to achieve it.
It is important to program your voyage with time. You do not let these formalities for last hour!
Contact us, and we will help you with your next trip
The veterinarian who listens to you, helps you and advises you: Multifauna Veterinary Clinic