At Clínica Veterinària Multifauna Girona you will not only find a complete veterinary service,but we also have a specialized store where you will find: supply for your mascot, advice at the control of the weight, deworm products, accessories and complements, products of animal hygiene, suitcases and carriers, etc.
Shop for dogs and cats where will find …
Supply for your pet
We aid you at finding the best supply for your pet:
100% natural
Gluten Free
With all the nutrients that your hairy needs
Veterinary diets of treatment for urinary pathologies, renal, allergic...
Control of weight
We aid you at controlling the weight of your animal:
Make a control and follow-up of the weight of your furry to achieve his good state of health.
Achieve the ideal weight of your hairy is very important to improve his living quality.
Accessoris i complements
We aid you with the selection of accessories and complements, finding what your animal needs:
Llitets comfortables i segurs.
Straps and collars so you can enjoy the best walks together.
Joguines i premis
Deworming tablets
Deworming tablets of the best marks to assure you a good protection against external parasites (fleas, ticks, louses and mosquitos) like also internal (had, heartworm, intestinal worms, etc.).
Products of animal hygiene
We have marks of reference at shampoos, mousses, multivitamin complexes, minerals... that guarantee the maintenance of the state of health of the skin and hair of your pet.
Bags and carriers
We have suitcases and carriers so that your furry are easier to transport. A good suitcase and/or transported aid at your animal at being more comfortable during the voyage, aiding it like this at diminishing the stress that can him ocasionar the voyage.
Many times finding the best for the most loved ones is complicated…
The vet who listens to you, helps you and advises you: Clínica Veterinària Multifauna