At Clínica Veterinària Multifauna Girona we have a fully equipped operating theater to perform all kinds of surgeries, such as:

  • Reproductive surgery: caesarean section, reproductive tumors, uterine infections (pyometra),…
  • Orthopedic surgeries: fractures, cruciate ligament tears, dislocations,…
  • Oncological surgery: skin, oral, mammary, intra-abdominal tumors,…
  • Eye surgery: ectropion, entropion, prolapse of Harder’s gland, palpebral nodules, enucleation, eye tumors,…
  • Urinary surgery: extraction of bladder or urethral stones, urethrostomies,…
  • Digestive surgery: exploratory laparotomy, foreign body extraction, gastric torsion, intestinal intussusception, gastrointestinal tumors,…
  • Oral surgery: dental cleaning and extraction of dental pieces or oral tumors,…

Dental cleaning

Dental cleaning is done under anesthesia. Without sedation we often cannot fully examine the mouth. In addition, dental cleaning can be annoying and by anesthetizing we ensure that the animal is not in pain.

First, the oral cavity is examined and it is checked whether there are teeth that are in bad condition, causing pain to the animal, and if necessary, these are extracted. Cleaning is done with an ultrasound. We remove the plaque from the teeth and from under the gum line and finally the teeth are polished.

Oral hygiene is very important for overall well-being and is key to keeping your pet healthy.

If a dog or cat could brush their teeth, there would be no need for frequent mouth cleanings, but since they can’t do it themselves and we often don’t do it regularly enough (we know this from our own experience, we have pets too), it is necessary do a dental cleaning from time to time. When we do your annual coat checkup, we always examine the teeth.

Periodontal diseases cause pain and this causes the animal to stop eating or eat less, so that it does not get the nutrients it needs. Apart from this, dental and gingival infections cause the oral cavity to be occupied by large amounts of bacteria. These bacteria can enter the bloodstream and travel to other areas, causing distant or systemic effects.

The bacteria found in the mouths of dogs and cats are associated with endocarditis (inflammation and infection of the inside of the heart) and valvular disease. Also the liver and kidneys, which filter the blood, are particularly susceptible to the effects of dental disease.

To prevent serious problems, we recommend keeping your mouth and teeth clean.



Should I spay my female dog?

Spaying is a routine surgery that involves removing the ovaries (and sometimes the uterus) under general anaesthesia. This means that the females will no longer have heat cycles and will no longer be able to breed. We also prevent potentially fatal diseases, such as reproductive and mamary tumors and uterine infections (pyometra).

Benefits of spaying:

  • Preventing heat cycles. Non-sterilized female dogs have heat every 6 months and it can last 2-3 weeks. During this time contact with unneutered male dogs must be avoided.
    Prevention of psychological pregnancy.
    Reduced risk of mammary tumors, the most common type of cancer in dogs.
    We eliminate the risk of ovarian cancer
    We eliminate the risk of pyometra (womb infection)

In the case of female dogs, if they are spayed before the second heat cycle, we minimize the risk of diseases that can develop throughout their lives. Therefore, we recommend doing the surgery when they are between half a year and a year old.

Should I neuter my (male) dog?

Castrating our dog will prevent him from escaping when there is a female dog in heat nearby and we will reduce aggression towards other male dogs. We also prevent testicular tumors and prostatic hyperplasia.

We recommend neutering the dog when it has finished growing, but without leaving it until unwanted behaviours have become habits. Small-breed dogs can be neutered from 6 months of age and large-breed dogs around one year of age.


Should I spay my kitten?

By spaying, your kitten will not have heat cycles and will not be able to get pregnant. We will prevent it from suffering from ovarian and uterine diseases and mamary tumors. We also reduce the risk of becoming infected with very serious viruses, such as feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency. We recommend to spay when they are 5-6 months old (before they reach sexual maturity).

Should I neuter my male kitten?

We recommend neutering male cats to prevent them from leaving the house to look for females and to prevent them from marking inside the house with urine. We recommend neutering between 5 and 6 months, to prevent them from reaching sexual maturity.

In the case of cats we must also take into account that if we let them reproduce freely they will increase the population of street cats and they can become infected with diseases, such as feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus.


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