Cat Friendly Clinic

The Cat Friendly Clinic certification is granted by the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM).

Due to the unique nature and needs of cats, taking your cat to a veterinary center can be very stressful for both the cat and its guardian. The Cat Friendly Clinic program is designed to help address these issues by creating cat-friendly veterinary clinics and thus reducing their stress by making it easier for carers to visit the veterinary centre.

Why do we think it's important to be Cat Friendly?

Cats are is part of our family, and therefore, we want them to be healthy and happy. Carrying out regular check-ups and examinations at the veterinary clinic, will help to take care of him, prolong his life and keep him healthy. We know, however, that there are unique difficulties in taking your cat to the veterinary clinic:

Trying to avoid upsetting your cat or causing him stress associated with a trip to the vet is understandable, but it could harm their health. At Multifauna, we want to help to minimize as much as possible stress during the veterinary visit. Therefore we have adapted our facilities and veterinary practices, specifically for cats.

Cat Friendly Clinic Certification

We are modernizing our facilities to obtain the Cat Friendly Clinic certificate. The Cat Friendly certificate is awarded by the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM) when a clinic meets certain requirements for cat-friendly practices and facilities. In Spain, there are only a hundred centers that have this distinction. To obtain the certificate, the veterinary center must have: Cat Friendly l’atorga la Societat Internacional de Medicina Felina (ISFM; click here) quan una clínica compleix certs requisits de pràctiques i instal·lacions amigables amb els gats:

With suitable facilities and knowledge, at Multifauna we provide maximum comfort for your cat:

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